Novel ponder!

What up world it’s the one and only Isla from rm 19

I think I would feel…

pain, fear, anxiety, sadness, anger and hope.

What would you feel like.

blog ya later

6 thoughts on “Novel ponder!

  1. Hello Isla,
    I would be very scared, and would also be wondering if anyone would save us. I would hope to be saved and I would not care who would save me. I think I would probably go crazy because I can’t be stranded on an Island.

    If you could have someone to be with in this strange place?

    Blog you later,

  2. Hi Thank you guys so much for commenting. For Elaina I would go with my dad cause he’s good at that kinda stuff.
    and thank you McKenzye as well.
    blog you later Isla

  3. Hi Isla Malachi here from the pod I like your post about The explorer and if I was in a plane crash I would see if people in alive or not blog you Later

  4. Kia ora Isla Millie here.
    I’d be pretty freaked out but mostly just glad if I were alive and sad for the people who didn’t survive. Would you be sad for the people that died. Blog you later.

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